I love how scalpers are getting their comeuppance now. Feels good, man.
I love how scalpers are getting their comeuppance now. Feels good, man.
That doesn’t really explain something like the Wii though. It was sold out for months, past Christmas 06 and past Christmas 07. I don’t think it was really that common to find in stores until 2008.
Would’ve been nice to at least have downloadable games cover over to the Switch.
Super Nintendo Switch
Slow? Seems like it's been on a rapid decline to me.
Exactly. I see so many people scared of riding in planes and rollercoasters, despite the lower chances of being injured/killed compared to a car.
You want to be wet, huh? 😏
So, make sure to ride it while it's new then.
Don’t threaten me with a good time
Obviously, they’re talking about consoles going all-digital.
I remember when digital games were first gaining traction and that was supposed to be one of the perks. Lol
Steam, maybe, but I see much deeper discounts on physical games for consoles. That doesn’t even take into account clearance, BOGO, used games, etc.
.... They still make games that are on the disk/cartridge though? I’m confused.
Really? I see them all the time now.
Not sure what consoles you meant.
Nintendo games don't have substance? Lol wut
Who’s surprised by the news? Xbox has never sold well in Japan.
I find these two vehicles to be futuristic.
Read the room. Really proving the socially maladjusted gamer stereotype.
Which is why the article states right before: