Very specific
Very specific
I know kink shaming is bad yada yada, but isn’t fetishizing men/women wrong too? It's wrong to fetishize races, but stature is fine?
I haven't played the game. Is she just like the main boss?
I give it another week
Because they put it in a public place? Of course they do it for shock value. Lmao
You ran so far away?
I guess I’m the only one who likes Peely.
Yeah, it seems quite irrelevant to me. What was the point of bringing it up in court?
Not gray anymore!
Of course it would be a delicacy in Michigan.
I want to try all of this because I'm a masochist.
Pretty vague. What do you hate exactly?
Seems fine to me!
Red Seal?
Best schedule
That sounds awesome.
Because they're boring af.
Sedans are pretty much dead though.
I already forgot.
Why would there be blowback?