
So? The car itself will still be drivable.


Just do two player mode

What happens?

What happens?

So, what did companies do to make this not be a problem anymore?

Did I say anything about not handling your opinion? I’m just pointing out you’re a douche. 😉

Would you like to enlighten the rest of the class? You just sound like one of those people who use snowflake, millennial, and hipster when they can’t think of anything else.

When someone responds is pretty irrelevant.

So, you’re saying the owner was asking for it? Wow.

Geez. You really are a douche. Guess that comes with the territory (Tesla)?

We’ve all done it? Not everyone gets drunk.

I don’t what being a millennial has to do with the topic at hand...

This definitely helped! Thanks!

I’m sure a lot of people do, but don’t say anything, lest they want to be considered as weird.

Lol. I never said Misty and Brock were music. I just meant that so much is changed in this movie, compared to the original show (like no Brock and Misty), that it’s hard to be nostalgic for it (at least for me).

Yes. Yes, I do.

It seems like a lot of black men like Naruto too. Guess it kinda has similar themes, like the outsider underdog.

Expect Reddit isn’t the only place complaining about it.

Because people find different things funny. That’s how. Parks and Rec wouldn’t have happened without the Office.