
Yep. Sega sure does love us.

I've been super excited to try Project Spark since it was shown back at E3 but after playing the Beta this may be one of the biggest disappointments i've ever had in gaming. First of all, it takes an insane amount of time to actually build something that's fun and worth playing. Want to put in a dialogue between


And here's what you're missing.

Fall of Cybertron has NOTHING to do with the movies. If anything War for Cybertron and Fall of Cybertron are love-letters to G1 fans.

The irony of course is, they are interested in the game, thus they are interested in the Wii U. One does not exist without the other.

Why would Sega would stop publishing games for Platinum because a game they didn't put their money into flopped? It's not their loss. Your entire argument is based on a false assumption, that Sega would make another Bayonetta. Sega ALREADY put the Bayonetta series on ice and refused to invest in/publish any more games

And nothing of value was lost.

Your post stinks of self-righteousness. Clean it.

*Sells the car for 100 quid over their cost after Ed does two days worth of work on it*

Don't worry Ed, im confident you'll work your magic and ill turn this baby around for a nice profit.

Reeealy? You con't be joaking? You went an actually bowt a Warthog? Wear on earf did you manage to find such a thing? And how much?

Ole' Ed is gonna wring ma neck wen 'e finds out wat I've bought 'im

Put out your and!

I'll give you free-fidy, cash. Go on then, have a deal wif me?

lmao, what makes this even worse is the fact they didn't even bother to line them up with the rooms... They seemed to of lined them up with the underside of each floor instead haha.

Team Beard for the win.

At 5:10 in the video. That's not Legos. That level is themed after a level in the Arcade game, Pacmania.

Why take the effort to re-engineer the whole thing from scratch when you can just re-release the same games by labelling them -classics on the PS store /XBLA/Steam. they still command a high price? no wonder this proposal got rejected!

Its a cool idea. But this is a really bad demo - the art style is bad and doesn't say Golden Axe, you can tell the gameplay is uninspired. If anyone has ever played the actual arcade, the controls and gameplay are great and it looked great for its time. This looks like a game you download for $2 for a tablet. I think