
Gah, this reminds me of an argument that I got into with a friend of mine yesterday. She insists that the Patriarchy does not exist. That women are the privileged and menfolk are an oppressed people. I told her to not go to Reddit! But she has now become a fierce MRA Advocate. Rallying against "Manginas" and Femmen.

Hey, hey...can I bring in my TMNT Character that uses the Optional Superhero Rules Thats also just visited South America and Atlantis?

The last therapist I went to was an old man. Was there for my depression and other mental issues. His therapy was telling me just to "Get Over It" and than charging me a shit tonne O' money.

Reducing everything down to their most basic elements so that it appears like a thousand others. Neglecting the important details that are held within the base forms that create the experiences that will or will not truly make it different from others held with in the base story elements.


Pfft, Its Family Friendly Tank Girl.

This would never happen to a MAN!

There is a conservative female radio host here where I be. She loves to claim that she and her fellow conservative females are the true feminists. And than she goes forth and refers to any woman that disagrees with here an "Ugly Broad." That the only women that complain about sexism are these "Ugly Broads." 'Cause

-Looks Up Artist-

Is there a possible way that I could be informed about what this entire mole skin thing is all about.

'Cause the Film is never as good as the book.

And Everyone Did Their Best Not To Fart.

No Reason It Could Not Be Both!

I know rite!

So, please tell me that Im not the only one that thought this was about Cory Booker Running a D&D game...

Damn it, I want a cool voice!


As a Wise Man Once Said...

We Must See His Face To Think That He Is Human.

Though, this isn't fine art. This guy was paid to do a work purely for commercial advertisement and may not care to much about artistic integrity.