
Reed Richards has, as far as I am aware, all canon like with having of ASD.

And what gets me more is that the sister should have arranged for someone to be there with her sister. There are a lotta organizations that have Respite services that could have made it so that what happened never did. That sister should be seeing some time in prison too for acting with such gross negligence. You

I thought the fucker was a devout Conservative Catholic. What the fuck is he doing using confoms for anything besides balloon animals.

Thank you very much. I will try out all you suggested and when you start that group I will be sure to join in. Thanks for the invitation. Now I must go art!

I think I’ll try that out. Thanks!

I’ve been drawing a bit over 3 years now. And I have to admit, my process sucks. I’ve only just recently started to doing rough to refine and using references. Which is still better than my attempts at a practice/study routine. Of which I am largely lost and mostly end up doodling whatever my ADD-addled mind falls

I really wish I could do better work on physical media. But unless its like a live model I am putting to paper my brain doesn’t like working with paper. Imagining things when looking at my sketch book is oddly harder than when Im staring at my Laptop screen. Wish I could figure a way to help me outta that rut as I

Yar, I fear often that Fear drives me to stretch myself artistically more than just a want to be creative. Which, I still need to stretch out a lot more...

That Inking...How to Leveling up Inking...

Ending up like that fellow is my living nightmare. I gotta go do things to be less sucky at art now...

A lifetime of dedication and suffering.

For a brief moment I thought that fellow up top was Cosplaying Tuvok.

My family use to own a Ice Cream Parlor. As such I tended to find myself working their quite often. Across from us was a Lutheran Church. One day a trio of kids from said church hop on in and start asking me about the icecream and whats good. So I answer them, layering ice cream and toppings into a chocolate dipped

Ahh! A decade going withou seeing a creep is good.

Were they a large, hairy, Furry with an obbsession focused on Cars and Guns?

Group decided against our better judgement to play Werewolf: The Apocalpyse. The Guy GMing it insisted on putting in hos very own Special GM Character that was a sexier coyote version of himself. It did not go over well. It might have been worse if we had followed his desire to play outside in the woods. Worse than

Did I do it right?

Fuck, why’d I click that link...

The most important part of the Fantastic Four that cannot be changed is that they are a Family. Thats it, nothing else.

Or it happened but than Imperial Remnants came on and Struck Back.