
There is a conservative female radio host here where I be. She loves to claim that she and her fellow conservative females are the true feminists. And than she goes forth and refers to any woman that disagrees with here an "Ugly Broad." That the only women that complain about sexism are these "Ugly Broads." 'Cause

No Reason It Could Not Be Both!

I know rite!

So, please tell me that Im not the only one that thought this was about Cory Booker Running a D&D game...

Damn it, I want a cool voice!

It was the first thing to pop into my noggin' when I saw the dude.


But does it include SRS (Sexual Reassignment Surgery)

A Masterpiece!

An Adult "Juinor" Reboot?

I for one, prefer dis' happier, fun Link.


I find it hard to get people to care about the motivations and concerns for others, especially those who suffer from mental health problems. They just cannot seem to understand how something as seemingly "trivial" as playing a game can mean so much to someone.

Yeah, I can see being a bit...Bugged about losing to Berlin!

I once drew a rather frank picture about this and submitted it to my college paper. It was soundly rejected.

Neat and Thanks!

So, it would be no way wrong of me to think that perhaps they made Copperhead Female for this game because all the slithering and grapplin' O' Menfolk with each other would be some how too "homoerotic".

Thanks, I too have a problem with SSRIs. After taking them for a while, usually less than a month, they stop working and I have an incredible crash. Destroying pretty much everything around me.

Thanks, I try. Just have a lot of trouble getting myself to draw.

Imma Psych Student...I wanna draw better than dat'