Daniel Patterson

Dems opposed to a non-scientist leading the agency


That’s what I thought, however, as long as the guy knows how to conduct business, he’ll NOT dismiss the actual role and necessity of the scientists.

Fuck Ubisoft.

Now playing

The shot walking down the street was in the original trailer from E32013....

Everything about this looks awesome at first blush, except for the capacitive menu buttons. I also fully expect a locked bootloader (it is a Verizon exclusive, after all). But damn, that battery! I like!

Also. In order to take down the ghosts with the Sunglasses you must first suck the glasses off their face.

Also, you get bonuses if you suck multiple ghosts at a time. Flash all the ghosts in the room at once, suck up to level 3, and you'll be rolling in the dough.