
He reminds me of a friendly and eager but really dumb dog.

I’ve read that even children would drink “small beer,” which was extremely low-alcohol, sometimes brewed from spent grain from a full strength batch of beer. Laborers would drink it like water because it was much safer to drink than actual water. Brewing beer effectively pasteuriezes the water, so everyone who drank

Inb4 someone comes in here to completely misinterpret the constitution and start braying about censorship and the first amendment

Me rn

I live in Boston, home of the assholiest drivers in the country. Rarely a day goes by when someone is not an aggressive shithead for no discernible reason. People lay on their horns the millisecond the light turns green, drivers behind me flip me off for stopping on a yellow light and preventing them from running a

I bet camping with Pornstache would be if he wasnt feeling rapey about you. I envision drinking tons of shitty beer, setting off fireworks, shooting at empties etc.

Fig? I bet she parties hard on vacation

You’d benefit from a fertility tracker app like Ovuview or Fertility Friend. These devices seem to be limited to tracking performance stats like duration and frequency rather than indications of fertility. Also, if she hasn’t read the book “Taking Charge of Your Fertility” she should. Good luck!

I was on a low dose of Zoloft for about six weeks. Besides meds, I think the thing that helped the most for me was making friends with other new moms and getting somesome regular social contact.

At five months they just want snuggles, food and a clean diaper. Don’t stress too much about schedules or which books or toys are the best. You are already doing amazing by taking care of your PPD. I had it too and I know how bad it can get. My son is 3.5 now, loves reading and sleeps on a pretty regular schedule. At

Make sure to eat first. Some people bring a book or a friend but I usually just end up getting into a weird meditative state. I had about 40 hours broken up over about 9-10 sessions on my sleeve

Her self tanner situation is tragic in that photo. Spring for an airbrush tan, Paris!

I don’t even have a penis and I was still making this face the whole time

The book The Insomnia Answer has helped me tremendously where every other approach has failed including ambien. It’s basically a cognitive behavioral therapy approach for sleep problems. I’ve gone from 4 very broken hours a night to 6-7 unbroken hours regularly. Good luck. Sleep problems make everything else harder

Oh for the days when he still napped

You’re a bit negligent about leaving Nashville, Jewel? A bit inattentive?

My style is generally minimalist witch/apocalypse survivor, but I’m pregnant so now it’s “giant sunhat/least ruffly or otherwise embellished black maternity wear/flip flops/grouchy face cause I hate all maternity clothing.