
I love that movie! It’s the most bizarre of the Santa back stories. I just bought the DVD the other day on Amazon because I’m tired of watching the terrible quality clips on YouTube every year.

Well the wedding I was in was an actual wedding at a Mormon church in Virginia, but since the groom wasn’t Mormon it wasn’t in the temple/sanctuary part of the church. I’m pretty sure this girl was only doing it because she was baptized Mormon as a child and her grandma offered to pay for the wedding only if she did

It seems (from my limited experience with Mormonism) that the further they are from Utah, the less stringent they are. I was in a wedding at a Mormon church once and never knew until the wedding prep that my friend was technically Mormon - she certainly didn’t act the part!

I grew up in a dying Southern town that was once dominated by a textile mill. Both of my parents and all of my grandparents worked for the company at one point or another, but by the time I was a teenager it was on the verge of declaring bankruptcy and had closed many of its facilities. The oldest section of the mill

Patches! We don’t need no stinkin patches! (

Having been raised as an Evangelical (but am basically nothing now), I must say you are wrong. Peter Pan Honey Roasted Peanut Butter is the best. The End.

That’s the one! My husband got it on Audible.

I just finished the audio book and am pretty certain that I enjoyed it far more than I would have had I just read the text. The delivery made it especially delightful.

Well there probably is at least one out there somewhere. I know a freckled ginger Nguyen.

As a temporary (unwilling) resident of Alabama, I can say you’ve hit the nail on the head. There was literally a five page article in the Sunday paper about the politics of getting good seats at an Auburn game.

When I was in college, I worked at a really popular restaurant downtown - it was only popular because of their $2 Natty Light pitchers and rooftop dining area. The service was 90% terrible, the food mediocre and the owner a raging alcoholic douchebag (who has since put the same restaurant out of business TWICE and

There used to be an Offbeat Bride offshoot called Offbeat Mama. I think they stopped with the new content and merged with the Home & Life section though so you can search the previously posted articles. They specifically avoided having message boards on their site because they didn’t want to deal with the CRAZY that

It isn’t his cult anymore though. He (and one or two of her sisters) escaped.

Ugh, please don’t suggest something that would make me root for Sam Rader!

I have fond memories of Seventeen (and Teen and YM) circa 1996-2000 and like to think that they wouldn’t have promoted this kind of fuckery in our day. I’m going with the fact that teens of our day and teens today are totally different creatures (with their iPhones and lives lived on the internet), so they’re

I’m 32 and have only used lol whilst mocking chronic lol over users. I have several Facebook acquaintances (younger than I am) who use lol almost like a period - as in literally every sentence ends in lol, regardless of whether it is remotely appropriate.

I really wanted to love my Mirena. All was well for a little over a year, then I started having random pain in my right ovary. It turned out to be a huge ovarian cyst that had to be surgically removed. Now I have a lovely c-section-like scar and searing scar tissue pain every other month when I ovulate on that side.

I almost Redboxed The Loft last weekend, mostly because of how awful it looks. Details please!

I’m not sure why you replied to me, but okay Debbie Downer. Why do people collect anything?

That is probably the coolest story ever.