
Honestly, Seattle and Portland aren't MN level cold. They're chilly and gray and drizzly, but legit COLD doesn't happen all that often. In the last 4 years, I recall one single ice/snow storm that was bad. Everything else melted in a day.

I definitely agree with you about Frozen (not to mention that "Part of Your World" will always be the superior song in comparison to "Let It Go"), but Tangled has Mother Gothel! She's lacking in the evil sorcery department, but is still rather wicked. On top of kidnapping/imprisoning Rapunzel and causing the kingdom

The Fear Street Saga! Those were the best.

I was watching KOMO yesterday afternoon. Whether she had permission or not, I thought it still seemed a bit exploitative.

Please tell me that is a Troop Beverly Hills reference.

I grew up in a dying Southern town that was once dominated by a textile mill. Both of my parents and all of my grandparents worked for the company at one point or another, but by the time I was a teenager it was on the verge of declaring bankruptcy and had closed many of its facilities. The oldest section of the mill

Sigh, my local mommy group is full of Ebola panic anti-vaxxers. I should really leave the group, but I get some perverse pleasure from reading their batshit theories.

You have no idea how many hours of my childhood were devoted to reading and rereading BSC books. Not to mention the countless other hours spent discussing them with my equally nerdy and bookwormy best friend.

Please tell me this isn't a hallucination. It sounds majestic.

In her defense, I believe the time she misspelled her own name was in one of those *special* Baby-Sitters Diary books (am I remembering this right?) and she was around 5 at the time, making it slightly more forgivable. Was she ever diagnosed with a learning disability or anything? I feel like that happened, but I

If it is any help, I've found that ignoring the (untimed) work and dumping all the guys and having a lesbian relationship has greatly improved my game. My girlfriend still doesn't have nice things to say about my outfits, but I don't want to punch her in the face like the douche bag boyfriends (how dare they insult me

I was waving my cane and screaming at people to pick up their dog poo LONG before I had a child.

I'm just glad they didn't take down Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert. Never have I had such an inappropriate crush on an animated character.

I completely agree with you, but can't give the movie up because of the songs. Part of Your World is possibly the best Disney song ever.

Did you watch Fox News yesterday, too? Because they literally said all of that. It was on in the hospital waiting room while I was waiting to go in for surgery and I could feel my blood pressure rising by the second. To top it off, they played this segment right after the bit on how ladies should be flattered by

Camp Nowhere...oh man, those kids lived my dream. My best friend and I spent so much money renting that movie, we probably could have bought it three times over.

Yup. While I don't think that I was by any means abused (despite face slaps in my teen years for such egregious sins as hanging out in the presence of boys), my mother frequently told me that I was not allowed to have an opinion on any matter, because SHE was the parent and thus in charge of everything. Had I broached

I went to one of those churches as a kid, too. My whole thing is, if the Rapture DID occur, wouldn't all of the left behind people start believing? Yeah, they'd have to live through the "tribulation period" and all, but everyone would pretty much have proof that all of the fundies were correct in their beliefs.

Or, as in my case, when their mothers MAKE them ask for baptism at 12, despite having no intention to do it. Do I qualify for extra hell since I was baptized inauthentically?

But couldn't someone become pregnant just seconds after the Rapture occurred and then need an abortion later? I mean, the abortion clinics would have a couple of dry months, but I'm sure business would roll back in eventually.