That’s right, I punned the shit out of that headline. S’what they get for leaving me alone for the weekend.
That’s right, I punned the shit out of that headline. S’what they get for leaving me alone for the weekend.
That explains why me and my friend couldn’t fucking play Planetside 2 yesterday. We had to go play TF2 instead :(. SCREW YOU LIZARD SQUAD!
Oh hei, Rugal is back
Damn, I want to love these games, their stories, worlds... but they are SO BORING, each of them feels like one giant fetch quest
Now Ubi will read this and go ahead with 3 Assassins Creed games a year every year...thanks a lot Totilo
I agree this kid should be sentenced to prison for what he did.
It’s been a while so I don’t remember exactly where I stopped, I do remember I had managed to get a bad ending and then reached a couple of points where the story was gated until I progressed a couple of other branches.
I will definitely will finish it, I’m changing jobs in August and I’m going to have a couple of…
I’m more pumped for this than any of the news that came out of e3.
I need to dig up VLR, I never finished it. I lost my momentum when it looked like the series wouldn’t get a proper conclusion. What I played was fantastic though.
Are the first two games both available on vita ?
That’s the exact reason why DA:I is so inferior to The Wild Hunt. Basically every quest from the one given to you by the Emperor of Nilffgaard to the one given to you by the crazy woman with a frying pan is equally well put together and fleshed out. While in DA: I it was basically like “Okay we have a huge map we need…
Assassin’s Creed is what stuck out in a lot of people’s minds and people are getting really sick of it.
I took all those screencaps so I could illustrate my playthrough to you guys!
Eighteen years and three PlayStations later, Final Fantasy VII is getting a remake. A real one. For PlayStation 4,…
18 months?? that’s 3 HALF years of his LIFE = Half Life 3 confimed
Ah...didn’t take long for the fucking party pooper to arrive. Okay, everyone, stop having fun and enjoying yourselves!
The only thing missing is Soulwax FM.
Geralt is Techno Viking?:
Please be a new game engine. please be a new game engine. please be a new game engine!
I was once like you.