
Spot on, solid episode.

The Mount Chiliad Mystery had me on the hook for the first few months after V came out, but my enthusiasm is long gone. Rockstar obviously enjoys letting their fan's imaginations run amok in the name of extended interest in their product. If there was any substance, we would have seen a jetpack DLC by now.

It's a

No its not only her. But Kotaku has an agenda to push. The game director from Black Ops 2 at its height got 1,000's of death threats a day. No one cared then.

A million deaths are not enough to make a purple engram drop.

Holy crap. This is an amazingly in depth review of the game compared to some of the other reviews of destiny I have seen.

Ahhhhh Devil may Cry love the series however I recognize that making sense or having a good story is something unrelated to the series.

I actually liked this game. It was corny in a different kind of way. Of course, after being on Kotaku for a very long time, I've noticed a trend: you guys hate change. So no matter how much I say I like this game you folks will tell me it's garbage. Nothing I can say will change your opinion on it, and nothing you can

i like the new series alot and ive been a long time fan of DMC. At least the story line now makes sense. #truth

I don't know. I must be an oddball because I think that DmC is the best entry in the series since the first game. The gameplay was solid. And New Dante grew on me. He really does have a character arc that is alright.

Many Kotaku readers care about The Sims 4. I was simply trying to highlight an issue with the game's performance. I apologize if that offended you.

not going to happen when people can hide their real identities. if that information was public most of the people playing would quiet down in a hurry.

I can remember when the Simpsons was actually funny, and the episodes actually had some meaning behind them. Oh how the mighty have fallen.

I don't know who to be embarrassed/ashamed of more;
The people who developed this mod or the people who think this kind of childish shit is hilarious.

To be clear, Ellie didn't volunteer; she was unconscious the whole time.


I still want battle mode specific maps. Block fort?

Why spotlight terrible artwork?

How to draw generic characters 101.