
CD Project, BlueHole, Psyonix and many others would disagree.

Why Crapcom is so disconnected with fans? They sure don’t like money....

Well, you must be fun at parties.

Ok, ok, this Sony presentation is starting strong so far.

Sure, nintendo sure fuck this one up.... git gud son.

Best and most accurate sentiment ever.

Yes, you are right. 10 extra bucks for hard mode and a map tracker, how dare I to bitch?

Thank God for Japan, oh yeah.

I have finished these 3 games. In order IMO: HZD, Nier and FFXV

Loving the new outfits =D

It’s gets a lot better, trust me, after 1.5-2 months, the baby starts smiling and it’s worth it. Hang in there friend.

As a new dad (3 months old) all I can say is... good choice. JK...kind of.

Yeah, I stopped playing these around 3-4 months ago because of how broken the new cards were...I am free now, FREE!!!

Easily the most frustrating experience as a 10 y/o, I had dreams of me unable of get to that island, unable to get the key, 100% and nothing happened... That easter egg haunted me for months.

Now this is getting personal...

Aren’t you being a White Knight defending JonTron by now refusing to buy the game? What’s the difference?


Oh no, what will Platonic do now?...

Probably this is the best move to counterattack these people. Honest question: ate these people just attacking woman?