
Typically, studies of evidence-based practices for social anxiety show decreases in symptoms within 12-24 sessions. But doing treatment in research settings is NOT the same as doing it in the community, and time in therapy will also totally depend on: how severe your symptoms are, what other problems you might want to

Well, you asked! Just trying to be helpful...

CNN is saying that at least two of the guns were registered to his mother, but that all seems pretty preliminary at this point.

This is... mesmerizing.

Yep! We just got engaged about a month ago, and this was exactly how we did it too. I've always thought, based on my conversations with people who really really want to be proposed to, that it must be rather difficult to time a proposal so that a) both parties want to get married and b) you haven't delayed to the

"Misogybag" and "misogyshit" are my two new favorite words.

My cat has never gone after anything menses-related, but when she was younger, she would snuffle around in my parner's and my dirty undies. Adorably perverted, but blessedly less messy then dragging used tampons around, I would imagine.

No weight gain for me on the Mirena. On the positive side, I basically skipped all bleeding the first two years and didn't have all the side effects I was getting from pills (headaches, mood swings). On the negative side, I've spotted for the past three years, for weeks at a time, and my sex drive has been obliterated

I'm really interested in what benefits you've noticed? I'm due to replace my IUD next year, and considering switching to Paraguard after 8-ish years on the pill then Mirena. Part of me really likes the idea of being hormone-free (especially since that's a possible reason why my sex drive is non-existent right now),

Yes! I have combination skin, and when I switched from salicylic acid face washes and moisturizers (which I used from high school into my mid-20s) to Cetaphil and non-medicated face stuffs, my skin got a lot better. Still have some blackheads, but rarely gets worse than that and my complexion is nicer overall.