
This is exactly it. It's really awesome when the couple is cool about people not being able to go and meaning it. We got married around graduation season, and lots of people had other engagements. We missed those people but we understood. But coming off of a fairly traumatic nearly friendship ending fiasco that

This reminds me of the super marked down selection of Bret Michaels branded pet toys we came across. I sent a picture of an extremely multicolored feather dangly thing to show my sister, who laughed at it, and in the next shot, revealed the cat batting at it, and her response was WAIT YOU ACTUALLY BOUGHT IT??? Aside

Absolutely agree. She seems like the tops.

I'm whispering this to myself over and over again in my cube. It must sound like I'm summoning something up in here.

That's what has been bothering me too, like, suddenly we're supposed to assume Robin is done with her career because she has some dogs? They're still not compatible as partners, and the show should have ended with them recognizing that they're soul mates, but not romantic ones. There's no doubt they're good for each

This is much, much better.

I thought about how he was probably drawing from how he felt about his own kids and that made me cry.

This is a fantastic one.

I met her at a book signing event at Book Expo and she was promoting a new, SERIOUS book and she did noooooot want to talk about the BSC. Aside from that, she was nice enough. It must be a funny place to be known for one thing and presumably be grateful for it but also be trying to distance yourself from it to grow.

I can't even be near a Subway for that smell. There was one next door to this fantastic chicken place we ate at yesterday, and as I walked to the bathroom, I started smelling something bad. I thought it was the toilets till I realized I was basically inside Subway back there. Shudder.

Amazing use of this gif!

Which place, may I ask?

Do you live anywhere near the Chicago suburbs? Because Pita Inn will change your opinion, I promise. And if not...road trip time?

That sounds really pretty actually. Maybe I'll start saving my shells too and redo our driveway. Or I could send them to you for yours? Any excuse to eat more oysters, really :)

We just got my super-picky sister to try oysters. She liked it so much she wrapped up the shell and took it home. Presumably to show our mom proof and not because she's a food-shell hoarder. Really hope it's not still in her coat pocket.

I read this while eating a pear. I was all set to argue with you until I realized I was currently eating half a brown patch of pear flesh and gave myself the shivers.

WGN Morning News' description on Twitter is "We're not drunk, we swear." I'm not so sure. I love them either way.

How is no one referencing How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days? Matthew McConaughey's character's job is to market diamonds (and in turn, the whole movie was essentially a diamond ad). He says in a meeting that "a woman in lust wants chocolate, a woman in love wants diamonds." Apparently now she can have both.

My grandma got her license and went to nursing school at 40. I've always respected both of those greatly. Good for you :)