The model for the GTA picture is Shelby Wellinder. Lindsay Lohan is full of shit.
The model for the GTA picture is Shelby Wellinder. Lindsay Lohan is full of shit.
Elizabeth Barrett Browning famously called poetry "the soul's expression"; it stands to reason this man's verse would take the form of rotting pig shit.
As a Texan, I will say that I hate this motherfucker with every fiber of my being. And his smarmy crony running for Governor (Greg Abbott) is just as awful. C'mon Texas, vote Wendy Davis!
More like SMUGshot, right you guys?
My fiance and I had been engaged about 5 months by this time. He was moving in with me, but we got into a huge fight. One evening I accidentally burped. He insisted I was never allowed to fart or burp in his presence. Ha! I'm not one to get into farting contests or burp my ABCs, but occasionally one would slip if I…
<i>Das Booty Call</i>
So the guy gets a little excited around a pretty girl. I do Nazi what the big deal is.
my priest always said the only people who would acknowledge others in the liquor store are episcopalians and catholics. anglicans throw down.
Oh come on, a troll of SportzBantz's caliber is not looking for humane.
Don't worry, PETA is ethically and humanely helping us with that.
because it's just too much trouble to go to Target and buy a goddamn green blanket. I spent $1600 on a new sofa a couple of years ago, had it done with washable slipcovers and found a matching blanket because I have 2 cats. This shit is why I can't volunteer at the shelter anymore. I have no tolerance for this kind…
WTf. I haven't played GTA5 and was unaware that this was the voice actor for Trevor. Pretty much the only funny part of the show was this guy.