
This doco better feature a decent interview with Ron Cobb.

Textbook example of putting the cart before the horse.

Did he run out of Braun designs to rip off?

The only problem being that it will be filled with entitled Americans.


That’s a real shame. Flipping stuffy producers.

Wouldn’t art be ultra boring if it was all realistic?

I read a short science fiction story about twenty years ago which featured a family of drugs which would make the user perceive the world in the style of a various artists. The more abstract the style, the more full-on the trip. Does anyone recall the name of the story or author?

Was that FLASH animation? Either that or there’s something wrong with the frame rate.

Pubert! Pubert! Pubert!

“What sense would it make to include a ship that looks like the Falcon but isn’t the Falcon?”

.Amputation just below the knees a speciality.

Surprise us!

Maybe do some basic research before shooting the pomposity gun.

In some parts of the world, this is a jihadi recruitment video.

Ha ha, tell me about it.

Terminal infodump.