Costco says you are one stupid fuck
You Frozen fans are...really something.
Make fun all you like, but I'd say this is a much better result than people seeing Titanic and booking cruises en masse. Which is totally a thing that happened.
"Wait, I can't stand on the prow of the ship and shout that I'm the king of the world? And I have massive diarrhea?"
Gad, Eva Green is beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.
RIGHT?!?!?!? I feel that if I were fully Brazillian'd and wearing that, you'd see like, the...the....clit-cleft!
Assuming they do, so what?
2013 has been a year of many glorious triumphs.
Robert Forster? Robert Forster?!? That, my friend, is Tom Fucking Selleck.
If this woman is an alcoholic (which sounds likely), it's not a question of not wanting to watch her kid. It's not like she twirled a villainous mustache and thought "Mwa ha ha! I'm going to have this child solely to neglect it!" She's profoundly ill and incapable of caring for herself or others. That's not to say she…
Until said girlchild decides that ALL she wants to wear is tutus with sparkly tights, and refuses to put any other form of clothing on. Turns out kids have pretty strong opinions about this stuff. Sigh.
Wear a name tag that says that your name is "Eileen." Eh? EHHH?!!
I would guess there is a fairly large difference between your parents' income when you were growing up, and their current income? Because that is pretty common behavior in such circumstances, in my experience. (See: my fiance and his little sister.)
Agreed! The first entertainer I thought of as a counter when I was reading! She's amazing and should be everywhere.
I second this. I actually find comfy clothes a huge turn on for this exact reason.
"you're really better off learning stuff outside of academic channels if you can manage to do so, because professors and other academics tend to be stuffy, egotistical assholes who think they're infallible." does not describe even one of my college professors from my women's studies major at a small liberal arts…
I'm bipolar ii. One of my not-so-irrational fears is that my husband will dump me* for a younger model and get sole custody of our daughter because of my diagnosis. I've seen it happen.
Jenji Kohan was on Fresh Air today talking about how she is able to tell stories about black and Latina women on Oran…
The six Indian men charged back in March with the horrific gang-rape of a Swiss tourist have been convicted in the…
A new poll reveals that 92% of mothers agree with the statement: "There's no tougher job than being a mom." But the…