I think people should know that his name is Cale Hartmann. Why should we know the name of the victim but bestow anonymity to the abuser?
I think people should know that his name is Cale Hartmann. Why should we know the name of the victim but bestow anonymity to the abuser?
I do not like this trend of making rapists the subject of social media shaming instead of treating them like the real criminals they are. I know feel empowered sharing their stories, but somehow, it perpetuates the idea that rape is somehow a different kind of crime. If someone robbed your house, it would not be…
Are “comfort women” and their part in history taught in history classes in Japan, China and South Korea?
Yeah. I think the whole thing embarrasses the South Korean government because during treaty negotiations for the original compensation in 1965 Japan wanted to individually compensate victims but Korea insisted on receiving the money as a bulk sum and they would handle compensating the victims, but they spent the money…
I would assume that the anger is at the existence of the double standard indicated by this incident.
I’m looking for their words.
you mean “white enough to not be a threat”
They just don’t view us a threat worth killing. Besides...might be worth raping later??
I am.
*incoherent rage noise*
Riley: But you killed the... You did the thing with that... You drowned! And the snake?!? Not to mention daily slayage of... Wow.
Buffy: It’s no big, really. Hey, who wants ice cream?
Riley: Buffy. When I saw you stop the world from, you know, ending, I just assumed that was a big week for you. It turns out I suddenly…
McGinty sat there and fucking blamed the entire thing on Tamir and excused his police force for every one of their crimes. Fuck him, fuck the Cleveland DAs, fuck the Cleveland cops who haven’t spoken out on this, and fuck the Justice Department for not arresting the murderer themselves by now.
Thank you! I love how she can talk about being discriminated against, and at the same time cannot acknowledge that colorism exists because doing so would acknowledge she has an advantage still.
Do the surviving victims agree that it’s “irreversibly solved” or is that just the words of some politician who wants them to shut up already?
That’s $41 per woman forced into sex slavery, seventy years after the war ended. In 1942 dollars, that would be, what, a few cents? That’s bullshit.
I don’t believe all cops are like this. Many do have empathy and they’re professional when it comes to dealing with victims. But I remember reading an article on rape and they quoted a cop who said half the rape reports he gets are false. Statistically that’s incorrect. If a woman reports she’s been raped there’s a…
And traitors too, don’t forget the glorification of traitors. That is what the Confederates were, traitors to America. They committed treason, and should be grateful they were not subjected to real punitive measures. They, like ISIS and AQ, declared war on America. That is what that flag represents in addition to the…
Wait, am I reading this correctly? They’re asking for LESS money than they did originally?
The United States: A country without a single public museum dedicated to the history of slavery, but numerous museums and memorials dedicated to the glorification of slavers.