Mei Kusakabe

Correction, child porn is illegal in this country because the production thereof require the abuse of REAL CHILDREN not because it's corrupting (heck, it's hard to top child sexual abuse).

...he save bread...?

Glad the mother was horrified instead of making some cliched remark about boys being boys or just kidding. Or turned into scary momma bear and how dare someone call out her snowflake.

Didn't believe in dinosaurs.

Exactly! It's not like it was some hold over gas station from the 70's with two pumps and no public restroom. This was at a big fancy modern station/convenience store on Ventura blvd in the heart of Los Angeles. It was also around 2 in the afternoon, so the doors were still wide open to costumers, easy access to

Went on one date with a guy. He had a cat (totally cool! me too!) and was a vegetarian (I'm not, but I can work with that). But then he said he was thinking of getting rid of his cat because he was uncomfortable that his cat ate meat. Um, vegetarianism is a choice you can make for yourself but not for your cat.

Ha. I was kind of seeing this guy and on our last date I my interest had faded significantly and I was thinking I would probably end things soon, but didn't really want to commit to the break up yet, so I just made up an excuse to go home after. (I had been staying at his place after dates prior to this.) Anyways I

What the hell? You ever tried to talk to her about classism, and relations to working class professions? Sounds like she could use some intersectionality with that feminism.

ha. Well, I guess in my case I was lucky that this was just complete and utter cluelessness, and not habits. Now, drinking directly out of the Britta water filter is a habit I have to live with :/

If Satan thinks he's an ass, it must be pretty bad.

I CAN'T BELIEVE SHE DATED HIM AFTER HE THREW HER MEAL AWAY. the mind boggles. i would have STABBED him, THEN broken up with him. poor woman!

He threw it in the garbage? He threw it in the garbage?HE THREW IT IN THE MOTHERFUCKING GARBAGE?!? Fuck that sack of shit. I hope your friend ran away screaming into the arms of the nearest decently polite person.

Wow, I'm impressed you stayed with him. I think I would have run screaming, especially since in my experience it's hard to change someone's habits.

Thank you. Maybe one day I'll find the Gordo to my Lizzie McGuire.

Pissing in public. I have always hated seeing men do that, but it all came to a head one day when a man I was interested in gave me a ride home, stopped for gas and in broad daylight went over to the dumpster 30 feet away and whipped it out to let it flow. No I couldn't see the peen, but every one could see him and

I transferred schools in fourth grade and was horribly bullied. This kid, who I'll just refer to as K, was always super nice to me and one of the few people who treated me with respect. He was lanky with a brown bowl cut and big brown eyes, and loved to sketch dragons and recreate the Dreamworks logo. One year for

No worries! It's a fair assumption being Jezebel and all. All is well.

I just broke up with a woman because she wasn't a strong enough feminist for me. Great big fights about gender determinism and patriarchical culture, and I just couldn't see myself sticking with her. I just kept wondering if I was misreading her, since she worked for ACLU and Planned Parenthood (I should have made

Haha I'm a dumbass for making assumptions about your gender, sorry.

Forgetfulness. Either on purpose or not. If it's on purpose, come on, be honest with me and we'll end it for the best. If it's not, know that most people ask you to remember things and if you're self aware enough to know you're forgetful, write shit down or ask to be reminded.