Mei Kusakabe

I DEVOURED The Hunger Games! Like that is seriously the most appropriate word to use. Read the first one in a single 4 hour sitting. Couldn't get the second one from the library so I bought it, read the whole thing in 5 hours without opening it too far, and then returned it lol (can't afford hardcover, so sue me!),

I never saw that ad before! It's awesome! :)

Omg that gif is adorable!!!

There's something I'm not understanding here...

It's a fucking cat. It's a cat, people. HOW DO YOU GET TRAPPED BY A CAT?! The absolute worst a fucking cat can do is growl and hiss and snarl a whole bunch and attack your feet as you're walking by. How does one become trapped by a cat?? I'm seriously so confused. Unless

Holy. Shit.

My eyes are hurting from how big they got during your story lol. I have a huuuuge phobia of all bugs, but spiders, cockroaches, centipedes, and millipedes definitely are near the top of the list. I would be physically unable to remain in that space for more than a single second. I'm getting itchy just

I'm dying in anticipation; tell the cockroach story please? :3

Oh man, this just makes me long for the October scary story contest jez always does. I love me a good ghost story :)

I never even considered that Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon could be belittling/insulting. Anyone care to expand on that for me? I guess I always just thought he had a funny name and was just a random person to make six degrees of separation focus on.

Weiiiiiiiiird. But I don't really have anything to complain about now do I? Thanks for clearing that up!

I HAVE to ask, why the fuck is the caption "98-Year-Old" when the very first thing they say is that she's 97. She's not going to be 98 for more than 6 months. If she died today, no one would say "98-Year-Old Woman Dead". WTF Mark.

Edited to say that I didn't mean for this to come across as so hostile lol. It just

I laughed so hard at this!

Reminds me of the outrage over the mere SUGGESTION that maybe one day there could be a black Santa...

She said record companies need to figure out a way to entice her not to torrent, not to entice her to want it. She's stealing it because she has not been enticed to pay for it.


My advice, and this obviously won't work in every situation, is to treat hammered people with a mixture of respect, understanding, and motherly love. You have to make sure that they know you hear and value what they're saying, while at the same time gently guiding them towards what you want (which is for them to go

So fucked and so true. This comment deserves all the stars.

I actually find it funny, but found Ted and Robin too annoying to watch past the first 3 or 4 seasons. I fucking HATE Ted.

He didn't ACTUALLY sexually assault her, let's not forget that.

Omg I thought it was real for so long!

I am legit, the most disturbed I have ever been in my life. I feel like I don't know anything anymore. I...I don't even know what to say.