I find the assumption that "[we]'ve all lied online" to be kind of insulting. I've never lied online, even when I was a kid, and I was a pretty big liar as a kid.
I find the assumption that "[we]'ve all lied online" to be kind of insulting. I've never lied online, even when I was a kid, and I was a pretty big liar as a kid.
To be honest the only breeders I consider evil are those that dock tails and ears. 100% unnecessary.
I completely agree. It's private property, no? So shouldn't someone have authority to make rules about certain behaviours?
Yup. I prefer masturbate.
How romantic could it have been listening to hundreds of car horns in the background??
So true!!
Yes please. Anne Hathaway is and always has been the WORST
I don't care what anybody says, they're going to end up together one day.
Haha yeah I didn't think it was sound advice, but she was definitely told that by her family doctor.
NOOOOO Gwyneth on Downton Abbey pleaseeee :(((((
Doesn't matter why you quit, just that you quit! Congrats and keep it up :)
My mom's friend found out she was pregnant and thought "Oh great, here's the perfect reason for quitting smoking!" but then her doctor told her that the stress quitting cold turkey would put on her body would be worse for her baby than if she continued to smoke, albeit it try to cut back. Don't know when this was, I…
Why the fuck should you still be replying to your toxic friend's emails?? Why wouldn't you recommend just completely cutting off contact?
To answer your question: yes. Yes it was :(
Hahahahaha exactly! Not sure what Ashisyou's point is supposed to be...
Also, I hate when people complain about people who post pictures of their kids. Like why is that any more annoying to you than everyone else who posts pictures of what they had for lunch? If you don't like something, keep scrolling? Seems obvious to me..
I agree!
I'm not saying those things are worse because you were raped, I'm saying those things can happen to you if you're raped or if you're falsely accused of rape, but it's worse if you were raped because YOU WERE ALSO RAPED. (sorry for using caps, don't know how to make things bold or underlined)
Well first off, in the original comment there was no mention of persecution, simply a false accusation of rape is almost as bad as rape. Full stop. That is simply not true.