
I recently posted some preliminary statistics about gender representation in video games (specifically, how many games have male vs. female playable characters). I'm up to just over 400 games. It's sort of a pet project of mine because I enjoy playing games with strong female protagonists. There are a couple of poll

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You mean the way feminists insist on barging into every attempt that MRAs make to organize themselves as a movement? Men aren't even allowed to have 'men-centric' spaces because, according to feminism, that would be sexist.

Save your indignation for serious issues. Only intellectual toadstools would take statements like this: "I'm not 100% sure if maleness = weakness" seriously. It's clearly fatuous or tongue-in-cheek; in either case, it's not worth getting worked up over.

I find it hard to believe you're an avid reader if you find this surprising.

The other, equally plausible interpretation being that younger women out-competed older women for the resources of men. In which case you can blame menopause on each other.

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Anyone with an open mind who would like to know more about the other side of this conversation should check out this series of videos by GirlWritesWhat:

I agree with the spirit, Lindy, if not the tone. No one should accept anything said by anyone on the subject of gender equality at face value. We're only going to solve these problems by facing up to facts, however inconvenient and uncomfortable they may be.

HS: The clarification was for others. I think your acknowledgment was clear enough. I think the 'violence' (strident, frequently misogynistic language) you're seeing is a backlash. Frankly, I think that's a monster largely created in the laboratory of feminism: men have already been convicted of misogyny by feminists

I appreciate your sympathy, HS. It's nice to see a friendly face. To clarify one of your points, the reason why many MRAs will not join feminism is because they do not believe that the feminist model of society (patriarchy, rape culture, males inherently violent) accurately reflects reality. It's the same reason why

People who are honestly interested in discussing these issues, and who don't understand MRAs, should watch these videos: GirlWritesWhat. GWW does an excellent job explaining the counterpoint to feminism. I recommend starting with her oldest videos and working forward. You don't have to agree with anything she says,

All of history disagrees with you. And yeah, people used to kill each other over stuff written in books all the time. Ever hear of the Crusades?

The problem with the 'contributing factor' theory of influence is that it vastly overrates the significance of games, at least as far as existing studies and millions of happy, well-adjusted gamers will tell you. If you're going to reel in every possible influence then it might have been