
As a wise friend once told me, "without divorce, I'd never date."

"I truly don't understand this argument, given that Michelle Kwan and Kristi Yamaguchi are probably the two most recognizable names in American figure skating."

William Shatner!

"BLAINE. That's not a name! That's a major appliance."

Thank you - and yes, you're right I see it is sarcastic b/c the Internet ... WELL.

Exactly. Too bad I usually didn't realize it, until it was too late!

Ah yes. Those years patiently watching all those purses while your friends danced the night away :)

hahahah right? Is this the same Internet that thinks "Plus Size" means a Size 8?

"note: women can be "friendzoned" too, but, according to The Internet, this happens much less often."

Oh my God, all this. What you said is everything. Yes, the way the workers are treated here is criminal. But what about the way that we in the US treat immigrants. Illegal or otherwise. If I bring it into a conversation I get shut down immediately with IT'S NOT THE SAME THING! But it is. Worker abuse is worker

Yes! It is most obvious. And it must be frustrating. Especially, I'm sure, to an 8 year old pretending to be an adult on OKC! :)

Awww thanks! And now that you mention it, you're right! It does sound like the crabbing of an 8 year old! Maybe I just assumed she was at least 18 since she was on OKC, but you never know! :)

YES! I AM SO GLAD YOU GET THIS!! I already know you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about based on EVERYTHING YOU DESCRIBED! Especially about the construction sites!!!

Hey! Thanks so much for your response. You are very kind to say that I was trying to be "instructive" rather than "condescending." I'm afraid I wasn't as patient in later posts, but at some point, you have to give up on those who have no desire to learn.

"But nothing in her posts requires a reply from me."

Exactly. There are differences in responses which ALSO can't possibly be surprising.

I am glad you think I've stated the "obvious." Because then it must be "obvious" to you, that you cannot reasonably expect to say you did in your original post, then expect folks NOT to talk about race (or how racist your statement is). You cannot separate the racist assumptions you're making, from the single issue

AW! Thank you!

By putting "harmless" in quotes, I mean that I DO think my colleagues in the US are CLEARLY harmed by HARMFUL harassment in their home countries. However, they themselves interpret their experiences at home as "harmless," because the harassment is not inflicted by a "brown foreigner."

First, I would argue that MOST images of ALL women (white or otherwise), ESPECIALLY those images propagated in the United States, portray women as "inherently sexual." Moreover, ALL men, are subject to the exact same images that may or may not brainwash them into believing women are nothing but blow up toys.