I miss Mid-Week Madness.
I miss Mid-Week Madness.
Why do both female leads have men's first names?!?
The longer jeans shorts are worn long so you don’t burn your legs on a hot vinyl seat.
Thirteen year old girls aren’t supposed to be mothers. They’re supposed to be kids.
Kevin Nash as Big Hank was it for me. That, and Detroit.
BTDKYD is the PSH movie I regularly recommend. After State and Main, and The Invention of Lying.
This Margaret likes that idea.
Burn Notice was my show. Someone once commented that nobody rocks the scrawny like Gabrielle Anwar, and I agree. Fiona was the shit!
The little Styrofoam rings that come with DVD spindles. Empty paper towel tubes. Mice. Birds.
The little Styrofoam rings that come with DVD spindles. Empty paper towel tubes. Mice. Birds.
My three kids were section babies, all necessary. People can look down on me all day long; my kids survived thanks to surgery and neither I nor them feels "bad" because of it. The end result is healthy kids, regardless of how they got here.
Even though Green is the hometown mascot, there are some of us Saginawians who will relish Green and Co. losing to Toronto for years to come. He might be from the 'Naw, but he is NO Lamar Woodley. Or JRich, for that matter.
Exactly what you said.
And that's a wrap on his career. Nothing good will come out of all that money. Well, besides the money.
Yeah, right. Tell that to your wife between hookups. What a dick.
Green putting the nasty in SagNasty. Funny, though: nobody here in Saginaw gives two shits about Green. Jason Richardson and Lamarr Woodley still get all the love. As it should be.
The IP Mac n cheese is heavenly. We cooked ribs in it, finished them on the grill, and they were the best ribs we’ve ever cooked. As for being “gimmicky,” it's a very useful gimmick.
Fuck that. My sisters and I ALL had to mow the lawn as soon as we were tall enough to push the damn mower. My kids did the same. Surely his daughters have to earn their allowance somehow. Oh, wait.
Exhibit A: Chris Cornell, Susan Silver, and 20 guitars.
Maybe ABC won’t lose money, but Roseanne just cost a bunch of people the loss of a livelihood.
Allen is not a member.