Eddie Izzard is -the literal best-.
Eddie Izzard is -the literal best-.
No, it's called "Geeks and Nerds for Social Justice", this is my real name here (I use my facebook account to log in) and when you request to join, I'll accept you in right away. The group is super active, even though we're only a little over 400 members strong, and the mods are attentive and sweet. I hope you like it…
Situations like this is why I'm glad I mod a Geek Intersectional Feminism group, so when I feel like the world is a racist shitstorm, I can retreat there and get some relief.
Married does not necessarily equal monogamous.
Godammit. ;_;
This is totally off topic but I HAD to tell you—I LOVE YOUR SCREEN NAME! That is the kind of humor that cracks me up!1
Wait, you both smoke pot and your husband is a chef?! Can I come be married to you guys too?!
That's a fantastic nickname for him, but it must be kind of awkward to call out in bed.
I'm terrible at the other end of the spectrum and go through between 75-150 novels a year. If I'm not playing with my kids, cooking, or cleaning, I'm probably either playing Fallout or reading. I cannot tell you how many hours of sleep I've given up to stay up WAY past my bedtime to read more. When I drag myself out…
Yeah man, it's past five, what are you, some kind of SQUARE?!
Is it weird that I find this romantic? Anyway, I totally ship you two now.
A lot of the members had some really interesting viewpoints about it. One guy said it was a "cathartic" read because it's something he feels we ALL need to hear, due to how ingrained bigotry is in our culture and how you have to accept and admit it before you can "deprogram" yourself of it. And I agreed with him!
Yes. I. Did. Refer. To. Above. Post. Since you WON'T DO THAT....Let me copy and paste my answer to you from before that you ignored to be a little bitch.
Once again: "I answered your questions more than once. The problem is, you don't like the answers, so you pretend I didn't answer them. So please, refer to my previous statements and get lost. :-)"
I answered your questions more than once. The problem is, you don't like the answers, so you pretend I didn't answer them. So please, refer to my previous statements and get lost. :-)
I wanted to add: I'm sharing this article, if you don't mind, in my geeky Feminist/human rights group on facebook. I think the members there can really appreciate it.
I don't really understand the problem with that article. Bigotry and racism is ingrained in western culture so badly that we take it in from birth like AIR. WE ALL have racial prejudices, the only difference is some people admit and acknowledge it and work to retrain themselves to think differently and work to make…