I laughed SO HARD at this that no sound could come out so I was clapping like a dumbass seal.
I laughed SO HARD at this that no sound could come out so I was clapping like a dumbass seal.
I'm not TRYING to be subversive. I'm not a Comedian. I'm just a regular jack-off on the internet who thinks comedians and 4Chan and other people/places like that should stop the pretense that they're "going against the crowd" and "voicing unpopular opinions" to "shock" people. They KNOW what they're saying are totally…
Nice sparkly new burner account. :-)
Unabashed conservative dude comes to a liberal pro-woman site to pick fights with Feminists. Yeah, you're really proud of yourself chum.
"Why bother trying to fix it if people like myself don't WANT women to be treated like equals?"
Because that's what good people do.
"Your morals are askew."
You think that just because it DOES happen, you imply that means we shouldn't try to stop it or change it.
Sorry, I can't be bothered to agree with you.
War Machine is just a character, so OBVI attempted rape and murder of Christie was PERFORMANCE ART after all. GOSH, these people are such PLEBES and don't understand ART when they see it!
"Expecting pervs not to be pervs is futile."
Well...you're an expert after all, self-admittedly! Speaking as a perv, because it's too hard to not be better than that, right? It's just too difficult to treat women like human beings!!!
Please excuse me, I need an epi-pen for this conversation. I'm SEVERELY allergic to…
That was probably the cutest thing I've ever seen. I can die now! =3
You COULD turn this situation into a learning experience and get some education as to why your opinion is harmful and wrong and sexist, but instead you're taking the easy route and blaming the victim for her own victimization while simultaneously enjoying the pictures. Stay classy, dude!
Thaaaaank you! :-*)
Your post from yesterday: "I will start sending money to this foundation and think of JLaw nude while doing do. they can suck it. » Yesterday 11:55am"
This post here? All I see is victim-blaming sexist nonsense. All this pseudo-intellectual pretense is completely transparent, please stop being so disingenuous. Your…
Sweetheart, you steal it and you copypasta that shit everywhere! *hugs!*
Thank you! A kitten gif for you too! <3
I am the LIFE of the party. I always bring the good food and good weed, and I have two cute kitties. :->
Awww! Thank you! :-*)