I think at this point talking to you further would be pointless. I didn't mention or imply that it was "OKAY" that you got death threats and saying that is really offensive. Obviously you don't deserve that, NO ONE DOES. The death threat came after you mentioned that the "Trans narrative" was "Glamorizing…
I think right now trans* people are amongst the most marginalized in the world, and experience a lot more negativity and oppression because of their identities than women, gays and minorities. I can see why Feminism is holding the plight of trans* to the light, we feel it needs it. It's important for feminism to be…
You believe the honest discussion of how common it is for people with gender dysphoria to experience suicidal ideation is preventing this discussion?
Please understand I am in no way disagreeing, as a cisfemale obviously I have not experienced the life of a transgender person and cannot personally identify with…
And what discussion do you think it's preventing?
My point is that this is in no way "glamorizing" suicide. It is merely telling the truth of what it was like for her transition. What it sounds like you're doing is trying to silence her in order to avoid the stigma of "weakness". In Feminist circles that are inclusive to mental illness and trans people, we understand…
Cuteness level: Over 9000!
You're taking your impression of these women and assuming that -everyone- feels that way about people who talk about suicidal ideation. Most people don't, most people understand that it's a symptom of the myriad of negative affects that transphobia has on trans people today. Again, you're coming across as disingenuous…
Not in my eyes, especially since they're extremely traumatic things that happen to a lot of women today. More examples: Self-harm, drug abuse, depression, these are all things that are discussed regularly here, all of which affect women and should be talked about honestly.
Ugh. And of course she's now rich and popular on the charts, so she's surrounded by sycophants who no doubt tell her that that behavior is totally okay.
I don't know if you intended this, but you come across as super dismissive and concern-trolly. I didn't come here to start a fight, I'm only saying that we recognize that there's nothing glamorous with suicide, and so very many trans people suffer with suicidal ideation in their lives. Speaking truth in these…
Because the gamer community is full of misogynist pricks. That's the long and short of it.
AND single handedly defeat the mob, don't forget that.
It's about time they put something useful in there. :-)
Extra bonus points for finally being able to use "Dog Vagina Juice" in a sentence.
<deweyeyed.gif> YES!! I'll braid your hair and we'll sip hot cocoa and you can tell me all your stories!!
Every time we have a Brittany Murphy article here on Jez, I say the same thing. I won't be surprised one whit when it turns out that Mommy Dearest killed them both.
I'm for real here. You tell the BEST stories!
Awesome! Thank you so much! *hug!*
Always wanted to try MDMA, but I'm a supergeek whose social life is lived out on Facebook/Tumblr/Jezel. So I have no connections for the good stuff. My husband and I plan on moving to Colorado when he graduates. xD