National Something Something

@marty3: That is exactly what I was going to say. Most of the convicts in prisons are there for victimless crimes like drug use/ possession. It is time to end the prohibition of some drugs.

@ddrussianinja: Shelob does not leave tiny wounds like that. Shelob's angry. You must pay sacrifice to Shelob for your insolence. Two hobbits will do.

There are worst fears than arachnophobia.

I need one about snakes to scare the hell... I mean help my wife overcome her fear of snakes.

They do that to ensure that the data collection from wifi signals is completely collected.

-Are you following me?

Unboxing videos are a great way to secure evidence of a bad product.

@Squalor: You are welcome, son. Now, who's the Apple in your eye?

Another one bites the dust before being born. Sad, indeed.

@Dunadan: I'm glad it made you brighter.

It could be worse. Could be Justin Bieber.

@Roie Gat: It does not. WoW is in another world. Probably in the I still live with my mom universe.

"One iPhone to rule them all,

@Calrekabooki: It might even become a sensation like the smear in NY.

Flash in the iPhone. It is like smearing poo in a beautiful painting.

Very nice but needs music. Something like Bach.

@j14: Life would be a lot easier.