National Something Something

@j14: Make sure you take a lot of fiber and tp

I'll exchange mine for a Kin. J/k

@Vyccid: I know but it is an idea that does not leave my head. I might try it just for the sake of mt. Everest

@Ccomfort: If that is the case, dump them like it's hot. Money talks and the message is clear. I still remember how much the insurance company try to get my business back after I dump them for raising my rates.

@stre: My stance is based in that government intervention in economic matters will have unintended consequences down the road. This is better explained in the book titled Economics in one lesson by Henry Hazlitt. Here is a link on the subject of net neutrality if you want to read it. []

@Ccomfort:You are right. When consumers ask for this services is a free market. However, we are talking about the FCC, a government agency, which through net neutrality is trying to tell ISP how to manage their resources. This in turn will have unintended consequences that more than likely will affect the consumers'

That's good. Net neutrality is nothing more than an attack on property rights. Good for google.

I think that's how they found the area where the Titanic sunk. I read is a concept derived from the essay The Use of Knowledge in Society by Friedrich Hayek.

I want to do something like this. I want to be able to not only control the temperature but also which vents are open around the house. For example, if the kids room feels colder than the rest of the house due to a strong wind I will like the computer to redirect heat toward that room to compensate since it can be a

@gizmodocon: It is real. It is the only tropical parrot to survive temperatures of 15 below in ND when I left it in the car... err, i mean, when it decide to build her nest in the woods. It is like she is carved out of wood or something.

I agree with this article but sometimes the animals look that good in the wild. For instance, take a look at this photo I took of a wild parrot. It took me hours just waiting for this opportunity and people still call it fake saying that is not a real parrot. I guess you just have to roll out with the punches. Sigh

After reading one page I wonder why.

So bright. So beautiful. My prrree... My trackpad.

The Plug is in the wall. I mean, the writing is in the wall.


That's real life Missile Command. A village got wipeout because of a bad player. Sad.

So... What is wrong with this again?

@Synthfilker: True. Also ejection seats have sensors that will change the ejection sequence (whether or not the parachute deploys right away) based on speed, orientation of the seat when ejection happens or how high (altitude not drugs) is the pilot. All this in a fraction of a second.

We love you Ja... Ahem. Congrats on the nomination and good luck.