
She's waiting for a bus.

I realize it's completely shocking and unexpected to see this sentence written but...Thank God Greg Oden didn't use his penis on that woman.

It looks like he's getting ready to show of his harmonica prowess.

Assuming he signed the policy, this should actually increase Winston's draft stock as it proves he can actually read coverage.

squid pro quo?

After the scuffle ends, Jay Cutler goes over to talk to Fuller and give him daps. Aw. Jay cares.

Peter King is to maturity what this guy is to fashion:

That burrito with jalapenos isn't coming out as nicely as it came in.

obviously she put her finger in his butt

Happy 2-Become-1 Anniversary, Chavril! And a heartfelt thanks for taking each other off the market, possibly permanently.

Huh, it cuts out before the half dozen men come in and jizz all over her face.

This episode of How I Met Your Mother is horrible.

Golovkin's punches are the stuff Chris Brown's wet dreams are made of.

Stella is just Europiss in a classy bottle. Hoegaarten isn't a great German beer.

Slow news day Sean? You useless, side burned, douchefuck cocksucker motherfucker?

Are we sure this isn't Instagram user "hotcocktranny"?

You sir are what the kids refer to as a "fucktard"

Shouldn't Olbermann be looking after his mom? I hear she just got hit by a thrown humidifier.

Q: What do you tell a woman with two black eyes?