this may cause painful swelling in the penial region...
this may cause painful swelling in the penial region...
Focus on the titties. The boner will be resurrected!
and more sauce!
Wasn’t there some gay angle with toad & his buddy? Is Don in the closet? Him & say, Christie?
“diarrhea” other words necessary.
+1 meth lab
Sieg Heil!
If it hasn’t been said, Fuck Dan Snyder.
+1 hospital corner (sorry, wifey insists!)
People, yes. Ignorant people. Yes as well.
Rephrase that as “Clinton was the perfect candidate”. The Karl Rove’s on this planet salivate for Hillary’s as competitors. Trump’s campaign was able to smash her with lethal precision on just a few nerves. Watching Trump rallies on TV even for a few minutes were terrifiying...those people were whipped up into…
my wife & I run a trading business. We do OK. Live in a state deep deep red so our votes don’t fucking count. Both voted for Clinton. Horrified by Trump winning but can’t wait for those tax cuts. Told my wife, “hope the radiation from the atomic bombs won’t get to us in Spain!”
I’m republican (embarrassingly), voted for Clinton. She was by far more qualified. Some of her poor choices made easy points to get hammered in the press & they drilled & drilled on those. It was simple marketing. Bannon, Trump’s “brain”, found the weak point & focused. With depressing focus. The media complied…
“White flight” is the driver in the swing states as to why they “went redder”.
The excruciatingly sad part for them is that those jobs will not ever come back. They’ve been sold a bill of goods by a huckster. I can see why but they got conned. mo’ black dude.
it’s the “strongman/daddy” argument. All Don did was stoke fear from his gold plated jet & those desperate bought it hook, line & sinker. They will not like the fact that 4 years from now, they are still the same.
Orange PT Barnum thanks you.
ESPN needs to bring back JACKED UP for these.
here’s mine...cheers!