
I try to like Wilson but then I see what he says & just hope he burns in hell.

*thumbs up, wink*

or the Butkus?

He definitely was not vegan.

*cough* says who? *cough*

What about the rules for Fight Club?

Thank god I didn't read about Cal giving the poor bastard the "Olympic Sit-up".

Thank goodness...she has the nicest asshole out there...even with the poop smear.

"smell the glove"

Think Bill Cosby.

now I know where "stinky pinky" comes from!!!!!

Can never look at a maple long john the same again...thanks ASSHOLE!

Makes you almost feel sorry for the poor bastard...those Bugs Bunny front teeth. That whole abortion thing is abit extreme as well.

she's an anal fiend.


oh look, another guys getting paid to blow this guy?

Three words: Cambodian breast milks

this needs more love. Butt love.

I'll gladly bring up the rear.