+1 buffet (yours, Andy Reid)
+1 buffet (yours, Andy Reid)
Exactly. What the fuck is it doing here? I just want to know if Lynch hit anyone hard enough that they shit their pants.
probably drops deuce's that would qualify as a tres.
like an HOA???
or farts in her face during a hummer.
the perspective is just way off...Salvador Dali & blows jobs...not feeling it.
It may not be a stretch to think he has shit on her...not figuratively.
dudes got some jacked up teef.
where's the love for this???
were the balls always bouncing and were the balls always full???
this needs more stars (& cigarettes)
I just hope they're going to Disneyland soon.
Somewhere out there Trestman has a sad face.
Well, he loves Jesus...and girls.
Why is the dude sporting a semi on the mound???
Would anyone be at all surprised if the game balls were totally flat next week?
not enough stars