Great game manager. Terrible financial manager. Great hair manager.
Great game manager. Terrible financial manager. Great hair manager.
+1 rainbow
Fran just kept muttering, "incredible, That's Incredible".
I just wish Lynch was cagier than this & would bring a sock puppet of Goodell to the pressers & do a ventriloquist act. But please Jesus let him score a touchdown & then moon the crowd.
Lots and lots of her butthole.
huh? a girl named Hope taking way too many pix of her asshole acting belligerent? saywha?
or worse, "you've been bad ball!"
especially after diarrhea
This gives Jesus a happy face.
where are the fucking stars???
@ 3AM in Planet Fitness
+1 hummer
brutal, just brutal
Yes, but what does Aaron's boyfriend think?
+1 burrito
What do you call the guy/gal who graduates last in medical school? Doctor.
*thumbs up!
God...what an asshole.
Someday Eddie's gonna have a sweet rack like his old man.