
fucking Duggars.

yes, a superb owl, indeed!

or a Tony Robbins jamboree

Attacking this gay with Enthusiasm Unknown to Mankind (with God's love)

+1 big toe

Upon hearing the news, Greg Schiano seriously fucked up a can of soup.

dude must give monster reach-arounds.

Rex likes old Rusty Trombones????

+1 Chips Ahoy!

No doubt. So hot. So smelly.

"...smells like fish, get your wish! Smells like cologne, leave it alone!"

After being in a smelly pussy, my penis is stinky for days.

or Star Jones.

I've got the weirdest boner.

*fist bump*

Call me crazy but I would totally eat her ass in a NASCAR parking lot.

She's "Pocket Sarah Conner".

or in Mexico, which she hates, a burrito short of a combo platter.

The ones that brag are the ones that lay there like a sack of potatoes.