looks like a naked retarded Heimlich maneuver with splashing!
looks like a naked retarded Heimlich maneuver with splashing!
sex on anything other than a couch just makes no sense.
My HS football coach would routinely before a game, walk out of the bathroom with his eyes bulging out of head scream, "SMELLS LIKE YOU BOYS ARE READY!!!!"
with McCarthy's mouth, I'm sure we'll see a video of her knocked unconscious being dragged into a elevator someday
would so tongue punch dat fartbox
Ever farted in a dude's face when he was downtown?
for the love of GOD! someone call Arthur Murray NOW.
dollars to donuts sez Rog ain't getting on no elevator with Ray Ray
can't comprehend wanting to watch a lady pinch a loaf...
yep...the NFL's puke was punchless unlike Ray who brought the wood
Where's Guinness? It's foamy diarrhea in a can.
do. not. light. your. farts.
yes...you throw fewer humidifiers not less humidifiers. You knock unconscious fewer women, not less women.
then again the old chestnut, "cheaper to keep her!" may be applicable
it's not the same...when you're married then welcome to the arena!
"sleepfarter". Thank you.
I've read that marriage is the leading cause of divorce...
at least the campaigning would end.