GOD. DAMN! that thing is a fucking club!
GOD. DAMN! that thing is a fucking club!
fucking on turf...ugh
no fucking shit.
don't understand this shitting in front of another...does. not. compute.
what about period farts? No disease survives those. No way
can I suggest next weeks topic? How about "Your Worst Anal Ever"? Oh please please please!
Tim Tebow's comeback? As the first Christian porn star???
in all fairness, the awkwardness only starts when boner contests take place or sword fighting. This is much like the Boy Scouts or being Catholic.
of course Nike killed it. This is not what turd polishing is about!
"how does my dick taste?"
dude has to be "high functioning" Aspbergers...or cheeseburgers or something
why she didn't just take it out of the foil first...
there has to be a way to keep these fuckwads a constant presence in the news...everyone has to know who they are & what fucking scumbags they are.
did that fart come out of that butt???
she was fucking HAWT.
I'm still "stumped"
Christ...concrete and pussy...these should be mutually exclusive.
her poor future ex-husband(s)
would been the epitome of a "bowl choker"