
Youre right! Ill have to try it that way the next time i decide to knock myself into a sugar coma! Or experiment and give it to my niece and nephews.... muahahahaha.

Pretty much yeah, its not so much a drink as it is just a dessert. I call it the excavation because you have to dig your way through lol

Thats what the spoon is for.

You heard me.

I found that a food processor, blender, or one of those slap chop things work far more efficiently than this.
I do it to make my ultimate diabeetus drink... THE EXCAVATION!
From bottom to top:
Ice Cream
Root Beer
Gummi Worms
Gummi Bears
Chocolate Syrup1 inch layer of crushed Oreos
and a big spoon.

Until the service you get it from decides to take it down.

I *need* this.

Does he go into Gerwalk mode?

How about Devastator as a 3DO?

And this is why I haven't been able to play/beat a game that I bought back in October. The big game breaker for me was my SAVE Being corrupted right in the middle of it. I tried going through it again (on the higher difficulty this time) and without the story and surprises leading me up to that point, the games flaws

This sounds like an excuse more than an element of the game. Most of the time a "Play Time" is regarded in time it takes to play the bulk of the game, which is the story, as well as side things.
Trial Records just sounds like its just a time trial for specific tasks, and not something that would really flesh out the

I'm Mega, and I approve both this message and the owning of Cruzifixio's argument.
Saying they had limitations because of their programming didn't take away from the human qualities they each had. Hell, that was the entire point of Lights work in creating Rock and Roll, He wanted children, and made them as human as

According to the opinion on Michael May and his "Everything must SPLODE!" style of film making, as well as what was told by watching the last 3 transformers movies, there really doesn't need to be much explanation beyond seeing for yourself. It's self explanatory. If you don't see anything wrong with it, that doesn't

Dudes got a fivehead.

Oh no doubt, Tim Burton had that dark wimsy about his work, and it showed in Batman, but Schumaker took that, and ran with it like a kid jacked up on sugar, and then defended his actions by stating "Hey guys, it's JUST a Batman movie".

Now I can understand if they acted without knowingly infringing on patents, but the thing is just in the last ten years, they've had people come after them for the wiimote, the classic controller, and a freaking capacitor of all things. Now this latest one being a patent troll, I don't know, but it seems like

I know, its still funny that they said that though. They've apparently infringed on several patents in the last decade, at least enough for courts to think so, so it's just odd that they can say that because it either makes them look like liars, or just stupid in business.

They may not have thought so, but they were proven wrong, and then weren't they sued again for the wii's motion controls patents too? In fact, I think they had like 3 different lawsuits on the wiimote alone and one on a capacitor of all things.
SO whether or not they thought they were infringing, they apparently have

"Nintendo's track record demonstrates that we vigorously defend patent lawsuits, like the IA Labs lawsuit, when we believe we have not infringed another party's patent. This includes holding those who sue Nintendo responsible for the costs and expenses incurred in patent litigation," said Richard Medway, Nintendo of

Joel Schumaker is historys greatest monster. Batnips will never be forgotten.
I think Comic book movies can be forgiven just because they're accepted as Seperate canon. Each movie is it's own universe (Hell they even get an official multiverse designation, I think the Avengers take place in Earth-1999999, and the