
Reader eiffel65 sent in a link to the image above, which shows the Japanese version of Square Enix's role-playing game on the right, and the more subdued European version on the other right, AKA left. The clothing is less revealing, in case you missed it. Certain characters have also had their ages increased to 18

It's people like this that encourage me to support corporal punishment for children. Or ungrateful punks of any ages.

The NA collectors edition comes with he aerith costume. It you wanna pay $30 more for an art book, the costume, and order or using digital river through the squeenix store. Whom I've found so suck wholly to order from. Do many problems trying to get ffxiv from them.

Yup! its an extra or "gaiden" chapter from the end of the Majoras Mask volume of the manga series. Pretty damn good. Still lots of unanswered questions between then, and when the mask decided to become an asshole though.

ok seriously, whats the point of having an option to select a part of the picture if it NEVER uses the selection you picked? lol

Did Ryu forget to shave ONCE before his picture was taken?

Wallet destruction in 3... 2... 1.

I don't think itll be that bad.... if anything it'll just be a Dynasty Warrior clone to a T, but thats bad enough in my opinion. I really don't like those games, they sound good on paper; combo beat-em-up with TONS of enemies and shiny special moves. Instead it's so repetitive its painful. I've even tried giving the

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I just dont think the tone of the lyric or his delivery match the music at all.

I think the Borderlands 2 Loothunt contest really examplified that feeling, for me anyway. It was over a month long, and I got on everyday, didnt do TVHM before that, so to get to the hunt target for that day, I'd sometimes be playing up to 6 hours just to get to it, and get the item, which hopefully would make the

Man it fucked me up when I learned it wasn't a woman singing that song lol

a bucket of lemon poppy scones, 4 empanadas, half of a really big summer sausage, 2 bowls of chili, and i think one of my dogs. It was all kind of a blurr.

Well, meant to write Stan Bush, but I was half asleep, and recovering from a food hangover.

Was still better than the reboot at the end of Fall of Cybertron.

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This feels like it should be the title track for a Sonic the Hedgehog game, and not an epic Ballad about power like it should be. That being said, I just woke up and watching awesome transformers being AWESOME TRANSFORMERS makes my day start out very nicely.

I cant even say I want this. It's just another reminder of the loss of Mega Man. I really wanted Mega Man to just die off wit hdignity, like with a good, or at least a decent game, and them realizing that it was time to move on. THEN this would have been another great thing. Instead its another thing for Capcom to use

Watamote I think.

Photo Realistic Batman is the ONLY BATMAN

Lol Actually, I based this on the title of the article saying that if they made a Batman game that looked like this. I went with the Knee-Jerk reaction as a way mocking to the people who said the same thing about Wind Waker before it was released.