
All I have to say to that is... Thank god for an entire community of people who make custom cosplay items on commission!

Yeah... what does "Otherwise available" mean? That sounds a bit rapey...

Of course they didn't, as far as I know, George Lucas had his overall vision for the series (Judging of course by the fact that the original trilogy was based in episodes 4, 5, and 6), so he had to have some sort of idea for rules bound in that universe. If he didn't maintain those rules, and just let everyone run

And this makes my night. Now it's just a matter of how much effort I'm going to have to exert to convince my girlfriend to wear them.

lol thats a crazy die-hard? I played it for 9 years, I just quit the month before ARR came out.

I thought Ninjas were the new Pirates... and then Zombies became the new Ninjas, I guess it's coming full circle...

exactly, looks like they were made out of silly putty.

oh... oh my god.. no... how do you go from 16 bit goodness to... THAT..

yeah... well.. you ever tried to touch something as it came out of the toaster on a high settings? that shit burns man... like mildly.. but yeah... beware evil robot toasters.

I'm not sure where Amazon has all their distribution centers, but more than anything I would expect this to be really limited, even when fully implimented. I mean it sounds great If I'm ordering something small; a book, a dvd, a game, toothpaste , but ultimately nothing that can't wait to be shipped. Also... would we


Impossible to find data cores! I think I needed J, and then I iddnt beat the GU series because I was trying to go back and beat quarantine to get that last little tiny bonus you got for it in GU. So I beat disc 1, didnt continue lol but yeah it was far more interesting and fun

I thought they were pretty good, I have all 7 games for the ps2, I don't think I beat quarantine because i got stuck looking for a specific virus core for a week and ragequit lol, but they were definitely fun, and GU just improved on it, so glad I boought them as i found them, i mean i found GU vol 3 in a k-mart brand

just give the guyon the right a bowl cut and we have Piros the XXIV

Id love to play an MMO where theres real in-game politics to be honest lol. Where factions and governments are comprised of the players themselves. Sure itd be utter chaos at first, but after a while itd even out and we'd probably get a damn good society rolling with real wars and not just PCvNPC fighting.
But yeah,

It's not that its a cat person specifically, its that its a purple cat person wearing a green striped top with very similar markings as the other character, and then when you talk about the subject matter, it seems a bit more than coincidental at that point.
I can't judge the show as I haven't seen it, but its really

Not disagreeing with you there, its not like comparing dothack to SAO, similar premise, one entirely better than the other.
I'm pointing out that this show has a character that not only looks like a dothack character, but has a similar premise as well. I'm gonna have to watch to really make an opinion, just a

God... I haven't done a black friday run since like 2000. The benefits of being dirt poor I guess, though I'm sure if I had friends that were well off enough, they'd probably try to use me for bf... somehow I always get those "Just stand there and be big and intimidating" positions...
I'm going back to bed lol.

HOW is this not dothack? It's even got the purple cat thats essentially showed up in EVERY series (Macha/Mia/Hermit) and deals with basically the same subject matter.