
Damnit Capcom! After your varied abuse of Mega Man (as well as crappy business practices) I swore I wouldn't buy anything you put out, HOW DARE YOU MAKE ME WANT THIS!

wow, way to make the Scramble titles even less inspired or interesting than before... this is a blatant cash grab with no creativity. And that's crap, because this could have been a great and simple cash grab if they just made this game more interesting than a barely mediocre arena fighter. I mean this just looks

yeah, I put off the idea of Kick-ass 2 about 20 minutes before the end of the first movie... I really thought they botched the ending pretty badly, don't ask me why, it's all tied in being a comic book nerd and why the book was good and etc. etc. etc.

Honestly this looks like K-on with male fanservice to me.

Das is true...

I agree... Even though I own all of those systems, I wouldn't mind having that just for some sweet sweet Super Game Boy Advance action on the old television.

"Rather than going into an area where we tell brand-new stories in a universe that people know already, maybe we could find ways of fleshing out some of the stories that we've heard hints of already."

Ok, if this next AC game is pirate themed, I think I might actually buy it. I'm not against AC, I liked 2, but the series just didn't grab me enough to want to invest in it as a series, So yeah, Definitely would give this a swing.

As a Bionic-American, I'm offended by your remarks Mr. Good.

I couldn't agree with you more. You're so Kind, and Gentle and Smart and Everything I dreamed despite never meeting you before...

Really digged the guy channeling Peter Cullen lol.

Oh... Oh! Check this out... I'm preordering it right now! What ya gonna do about it? Gonna cry? Gonna cry at my preorder Plunkett?

They kinda aren't that scary generally... but that's one mans opinion.

Still waiting on a new season for that...

That's not exactly going to be hard to do. Everything on Toonami now is at least 3 years old.

His Torso... it's SMILING at me.

I was just talking to my girlfriend about this last night, she was almost raving about how shes going to join some petition to bring it over lol.

The FIEND! Steve Jobs should be rolling in his grave that someone stole his idea 40 years before he was born! Just like those punks at Microsoft's audacity to present and show a handheld tablet computer 6 years before the iPad was announced! They stole his ideas! All of them!

Now playing

Wow that first part reminded me heavily of Apples old commercial from the 80s.