
For some reason... I kinda wanna see Activision swoop in and screw the whole thing up. I really have no explanation why.

Go home American Mcgee. You are apparently drunk.

I think they need to do this with certain MMOs as well.

Now see, that doesn't sound right at all. If you truly believe you are special, but do nothing but the mundane, but then express how special you are to everyone else, It kinda makes you an asshole lol.

What's your take on the subject matter?

How about No.

Square Enix is having a 50% off sale on just about all their titles on their website til early January, I'm planning on picking up a couple of games from it.

Surprised I haven't heard anyone complaining about the title being similar to the book World War Z. At the very least the people making the movie could get their panties in a bunch over it.

The bulk of my loot. My girlfriend knows me too well with my addiction to figurines lol. And then there's my puppy, and I don't know why the headphones I received were neon blue, and yes I'm going to play the hell out of Tales of the Abyss, the first Tales game I've owned since ToP for the SNES.

Because, We were POOR THATS WHY! *sobsob* All we had were 2 little Game and Watch games and we had to eat them one Christmas otherwise grandpa was going to whip us again!

So 1987 was apparently the greatest year in game franchises. Good to know that when I was 2, people were playing great games like Mega Man, Final Fantasy, Street Fighter, Contra, Double Dragon, and other such greats started blossoming

Stop disappointing me Squeenix! I want Type-0 AND This! odd name or not, it looks like exactly what I want!

Hurray! this is exactly What I asked for a few days ago! I can put this on my shelf without being embarrassed now!

Lol Can we ask Mr. Levine to put in reversible cover So I don't have to be embarrassed to have it on my shelf?

Oh don't you worry... I remember the likes of Street Sharks and Biker Mice from Mars, Samurai Pizza cats being brought over to be a different competition for it lol.

I have to agree on the stagnation of games right now. You have 4 genres of games primarily now in the AAA category: Shooter, Sword slasher, Racing game, MMO. Different flavors of each (and sometimes combinations of the four), but Ultimately the same stuff. What ever happened to Platformers, In-depth puzzle games, I

I... Don't know how to feel about this. It looks great, And I'll gladly play it, but I still feel screwed over by Capcom since this was a fan made project. What's funny is this'll probably be a crapton better than that iOS game Capcom is coming out with lol. They Don't seem to understand that if they did something

Thankfully I learned at a young age, that you can clean the connectors on both the console and the cartridge with some WD-40 and a q-tip.

Your description alone makes me really want to play this game. Two Great Tastes that Taste Great together!

I wasn't aware that Malibu Comics published bad slashfic lol. Then again They're flagship title was Ultra Man