
I don't know who's gonna win but someone's gonna be Thor in the morning!

I think they should have say that's he's popping outside for a smoke and have the other characters wait around in awkward silence for 5 minutes.

Everyone likes a Chad :(

This is possible in Android, too. Go to Settings > Account > Privacy > Last seen, then change it to "Nobody".

Holy shit. Does this come in life size, too? Asking for a friend.

Is that a suite inside a suite? Looking at the fishbowl over the helm.



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I think I prefer this one because we get a battle. Plus, Brock is so bad ass he never has to open his eyes.

What are you talking about? The sick kid scenes were perfect! Every scene he was on, it made a perfect break to run to the kitchen and refill my refreshments.

My sense of smell is dodgy, I have slight hearing loss, but my vision is fine and I can talk to the dead.

Not evil, just…misguided. Bizarre. But not evil.

Wouldn't you get fire from water instead of water from fire?

The last part there, "and you get water from fire." I think you switched those a little bit.

Last sentence, I think you mean "you get fire from water", not "water from fire".

"Strax was also spotted on horseback, although lord knows what he thinks he's riding."

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My film, The Art of Dreaming, about a woman who practices Lucid Dreaming and her dream life begins to merge with her waking world.