
Damn... I need to move to Europe. I've got friends there. Maybe I can couch surf with them for a few years....

The last time my eardrums ruptured (that I actually went to the doctor for) I waited for 2 hours to even see someone other than the receptionist at a 24-hour emergency clinic (the ONLY place open past 3pm on a

The hardest thing about this (for me) is that I'm sure there WERE people out there who loved her... but she'd heard so much hate and dismissiveness from her own family (If your own family can't love who/what you are, then how can anyone else, right?) that she couldn't see or hear any of the good. Having been one of

holy hell! i've got that figure sitting on my shelf right now! :D

Sorry your dad was such a dick... :/ No one should have to deal with that kind of shit at that age.

dafuq? -.-; If i want to play the pc version... I'll play it on my PC dammit.

Of all the people... he's picked Bush?!? Wow... just... eep.

*dies a little inside*

I like the idea of a stupidity targeting disease though... hrmmm...

Im totally stealing that line! It pretty much encompases half of my customers. lol

They must follow the school of "If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down". She got pregnant, ergo, she must not have been raped. *headdesk*
While I'm comforted that the USA isn't the only country out there with such asinine attitudes in regards to rape... I'm also

Jeezum... that reads like something out of a Dean Koontz novel. o.o

I always wanted to experience something spooky... but stories like this have convinced me that I'm really better off having NOT experienced anything at all.

Mine isn't spooky as much as it's 'wtf...' o.O;

When I was younger I used to have what I called 'deja vu dreams'. I'd dream something and it would happen later that day, or sometimes a few days down the road. Happened fairly regularly, but there was no predicting which dreams would happen and which wouldn't. I also

Is.... Is that a table of wooden dildos? o.O;

I haven't been to the Columbus Zoo since I was , jeeze... maybe 2? I'd love to go back there again some day. :D

I can imagine it... I'm just not sure I'd be capable of it. I'll let a lot of things in life slide, but I think someone attempting to murder me for simply being me would tip me right over the edge. I don't have a lot of tolerance for intolerance! XD

If I remember correctly (i'm being lazy and don't wanna google it...), gorillas have a lifespan comparable to that of humans. I *think* they can live up to 60 years?
I think Koko is in her 40's by now.

Malala is a far better person that most of us will ever be.

I can honestly say that , were I in her shoes, I'm not sure I'd be able to let the dude who shot me walk away scott free and unharmed if I ever ran into him again.

That can happen if you over-microwave/fry it as well...
My brother and I (he was the culinary 'genius' back in our youth) would still eat them. We called them salami chips and pretended they was SUPPOSED to taste that way. Slather enough mustard and cheese on the crisps and they were *almost* edible. lol

Microwaved salami, on the other hand, turns out pretty well. So does fried. Mmm.... now I want salami...

Once had a boyfriend flee the state to break up with me. d^_^b

A little back story:
Back in High School I dated a guy whose parents wouldn't allow him to give his number out to girlfriends. (threw me for a loop, but the reasoning behind it seemed plausible.) Story being, the most recent ex was a sex crazed, depressed,

I met my fiance online 17 years ago, and we're still doing great! We didn't meet on a dating site, but I'm honestly not even sure if there even were any dating sites back then.


<3 the Bad Lip Reading though.

Just being nitpicky... but I think this was implemented yesterday. MidBoss (fiance) spent yesterday afternoon trying to farm it and mentioned to me last night that the spawn rate had been reduced drastically.

On a side note, going to miss you cave. <3 We only spent a short time together, but I will remember you fondly.