
Yeah, the NOTORIOUS's how they sell their news.

Therapeutica...I take it with me even when I travel. I haven't had chronic neck pain since I started sleeping with it (side-sleeper, but it's also good for beck sleepers).


Yea Moogle, I spent quite a bit of time (~3 years while I was still in school), and some Global hotkey magic with MediaMonkey rating my OC Remix collection. I've gone through and personally rated all but ~200 of the tracks that had been posted to OC Remix as of last year. I've narrowed it down to ~400 that I enjoy

Oh yeah, how many hours of blissful nostalgia come back to you after the first few beats of a song?

If you love this, you HAVE HAVE HAVE to check out I've been studying, chillin', working to my list of favorites from the almost 2,000 royalty free, user-submitted tracks for 6 years now.

Just wow...


It is true, the child does suffer, no question. And I agree, a utopian view is unrealistic in our society. But, once you start condoning behaviors, let alone incentivising them, you get on a slippy slippy slope, and we all know where that leads.

Don't assume too fast...I'm not anywhere even CLOSE to saying that women bear the weight of responsibility.

Haha, you guys are whackos. Paint it how you want, Pro-Life isn't about killing the mother. Goodness.

I've never found occasion for me to have to stream much of anything over 3G/4G except pandora, and I rarely do that. Most of my streaming comes when I'm connected to Wi-Fi, which for all intensive purposes is always, unless I'm running errands.

Don't stuff that straw man too full my friend.

Not to be a prude, but if people had self control in the sexual arena, can you imagine how many fewer children out of wedlock (usually "accident" children) that end up in underprivileged/destitute homes/situations, typically situations where neither parent intended to have them, and often, far too often where one of


There is this one thing called self-control. It's as old, and dusty, and ancient as we are, but it works wonders!

I disagree, I get talker's block all the time. I wouldn't consider myself a rabid conversationalist, and there are occasions of awkward silence that an accomplished conversationalist would never experience.

Haha, very good point. But I always have to chuckle at this kind of paranoia. if people in our society need a reason to kill people? Read the news lately? =[

Hahaha, wow, good catch.