
Really, out of the box? Or is it something you need to enable?

*sigh* (hehe) I was replying to your reply above, it seemed a bit conflicting, but after a second read, I admit, it wasn't.

Whitson, you can disable all that crap now.

Two reasons I use Digsby, and only two:

I think you're wrong, I think this post has deeper meaning. I could only dream of my comment figuratively exploding into the Sun.

Side sleeper for life, although, occasionally I sleep on my back. It's OK though, Therapeutica's got me covered =]

Amen to that...nothing like a little human idiocracy to foil the most genius of security.

My Wish, a bar that would give you search suggestions for searches (perhaps by inserting a "?" first, or something diff) AND that would give you history results for all other entries. One bar.

It did. And that was a week after this browser got snubbed in the Android browser wars post...which I and a few others pointed out. Miren is tops imo, and I've tried most.

Glad I could help! =]


Wait...I had no idea this is what people really do with iPads...I've got to get ahold of my Dad ASAP.

NP, I've actually been on the thread over in the AHK forums, and another fine fellow has updated the script to use less CPU & also to transition an actual "fading" effect, pretty slick if anyone wants to check it out.

Here is a link to the OP by Eleria on the AutoHotKey forums (took me a min to find it):

+1 for Snickers bars =D

Just discovered that if you click on the Tray icon you can adjust two settings. One is the transparency level, and it seems to me that the other is a lag setting that is different than what I posted above.

Indeed, I posted a fix/alteration to solve this behavior. ~Results may vary, but it's been working nicely for me for the past 1.5 hrs =]

There is a rather annoying lag between window selection and transparency activation/disactivation. I'm sure there's a reason why this value was set to 1000, but I set it to 200 and I prefer the behavior MUCH more than the default setting:

I've an .ahk script that allows you change the transparency of any window on the fly by either Ctrl+Shift+Scroll Wheel, OR Ctrl+Shift+Left/Right mouse clicks (for when I'm using trackpad).