How many traffic laws did you violate driving to work today? If you drive but say less than two, I'm calling you a liar
How many traffic laws did you violate driving to work today? If you drive but say less than two, I'm calling you a liar
You left out the metric shit ton of Confederate flags sported by said mid-state neocons
That phrase should never ever be uttered to anyone unless the recently deceased suffered long and hard
I would extend the check in time to more like 5-6 weeks when 99.9% of the world has moved on and almost forgotten about the griever.
Strong long hugs do much better than words in my experience being on the receiving end
When we lost our 14 year old son 5 years ago in a tragic accident, the absolute worst thing we had spoken to us was “He’s in a better place now.”
Why does everyone in this discussion ignore Cruz’s evangelical bent? It’s the only remarkable thing about what he has said since declaring, and he ranks him right next to Huckabee.
This should not be surprising. To wit, the support and attention garnered by the freshmen TeaParty DoNothings Cruz, Rubio, etc.
Wow, you’re quite the little bitch, aren't you
You are correct.
No you don't. So now we've established that you're a liar as well as an angry white male troll. Gee, you must feel so unique in this online wonderland.
And now it seems that you have deleted your post history. Buwahaha, fucking noob
Listen child, your post history proves that you are a dick the vast majority of the time, and you love being that way. Your tiny penis, thinning hair, thickening waistline, obsessions with status vehicles and sports teams says all that anyone needs to know about you. You're a chode, a broheem, a knuckle-dragger, a…
Finally, you reveal that you are fascinated by me. How droll to dig deep and then try and cut me to the quick. Perhaps you should pray to whatever god is responsible for a piece of human shit like you, to protect you from such a painful event because you don't have the stones to survive it. That's assuming that…
derpy derp
It's like talking to children with you: smaller words are easier to digest, and it worked!! You understood me quite clearly! Here's a, no, don't shove it in your ass, you're supposed to EAT it
Apparently, everyone one that you personally know is always touting themselves while they are critical of others. Do you even logic, brah?
Gosh, the cleverness just keeps on coming. Do your mother and grandmothers know how much you hate women?
Fun that you're so easily amused. I'm betting money you do reeeeeally well at lasting relationships in addition to crippled logic arguments