Bitch? You're a moron. And by the way, the producer didn't call the cops on this douche bag either. Go suck your own dick
Bitch? You're a moron. And by the way, the producer didn't call the cops on this douche bag either. Go suck your own dick
Likewise, tough guy pindick. Ooh I've been hit, I didn't call the cops and yet twice, there they were. You're the fucking pussy, Neanderthal
Would love to say that to you after someone kicks the shit out of you which is recorded on video presented to the world via intertubes, after which you go to the ER and later have to walk around the world listening to "Hey, that's the guy that someone popular kicked the living crap out of."
His haircut? What the hell about his ever-shrinking EYEBROWS???!!!
STAHP: you're a huge asshole t-bagger, we get it
Pssh...I tip the cashier when picking up carryout!
You have apparently never worked for slave wages in an American food establishment, because a low tip is NOT a prerogative, it is a blatant insult. If service is bad, no tip is fine. But if you had fine services and drop less than 10% because your, I don't know...Eurofuckingpeon, to someone who makes less than $3.00…
Ah yes, you teach so you know everything about neuroscience. Bravo. Glad you're not in my district
I suppose you should be allowed your opinion, especially since you have no impact, but your opinion is ignorant in the face of Childhood Development research. Then again, I doubt you care
You know nothing about child development, do you? Would you convict a 6 year old for murder?
Hopefully they're all being home schooled!
You don't think that a serious suspension that could possibly have major impact on a player's career wouldn't give all the other misogynistic broheems in and around the NFL a bit of pause? So you think Vick's suspension had no impact on his or the behavior of others?
Ha, nice dangling participle
I am done with you. Your gender bias and lack of empathy are emblematic of a subconscious misongynist. Good luck in your life
Dude, STFU. You are obviously very dense on these issues, and you are dead wrong. If the guy had apologized rather than defending his obnoxious and unwanted sexual harassment of a complete stranger on public streets, then she probably would have obliged. As is quite apparent, however, he learned no lesson and would…
wow, so much to dispute in this that I cannot find the time or patience. You are very, very special
IKR?! I kept getting "mockumentary" stuck in my head
So funny, so hawt, so Simply Sarah!
Wow: the woman in your photo has an incredible Passive Aggressive Disagreement Face
I had the same thought